A Survey of Asthma Prevalence Among
School Age Children in Connecticut

News and Information about Asthma
Asthma is the most common chronic disorder of school-age children and youth. It is also one of the leading causes of school absences among students in our nation.
After Environment and Human Health, Inc. (EHHI) showed that the asthma rates in CT were high and getting higher, EHHI was able to get an Asthma Tracking Bill passed in 2001.
Resulting Legislation: See Sec. 41. Section 10-206
Read the relevant sections of the law.
Op-Ed: Connecticut’s Summer Unhealthy Air Days Are Still Too Many For The Public’s Health
EHHI President Nancy Alderman notes that in some past summers, Connecticut has had almost a month of unhealthy air days. In New England, Connecticut has the highest number of unhealthy air days recorded each year. Read the Op-Ed here.DPH: A Collaborative Approach for Addressing Asthma in Connecticut 2013-2018
The EPA's Campaign to Help Parents and Children Prevent Asthma Attacks